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Ethnographic consumer studies of products and services

Ethnographic consumer studies reveal how your products and services fit into people's daily lives.

Savigny User Research often conducts research in Germany or the UK as part of multi-country studies.

We collaborate with our partners in other countries. We are also happy to collaborate with your researchers.

  • On-site interviews and observations take an all-important deep look.
  • Photo-supported diary studies show weekly routines and allow to put findings into perspective.
  • Witness key points and retrace them through video highlights, chaptered video DVDs and video logs!
  • Participant profiles illustrated by photos and video clips present rich findings in a concise format, allowing for comparison between countries.

Savigny User Research provides you with key insights for more success in the German market and worldwide!

Peter v. Savigny + Ahornweg 3 + D-12587 Berlin + Germany
Mobile: (+49/177) 663 66 69 + Email: